Switch Branch

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git switch is a powerful tool that simplifies branch switching in Git workflows. Developers can confidently switch branches using the git switch command. This command provides a more direct and safer alternative to the older git checkout command and was introduced in Git 2.23, initially released as a beta version [GitHub]

Anyway, let’s move into the section below to understand how to use git switch.

Switching to a Branch Using Git Switch Command

The git switch command allows users to change branches in a Git repository conveniently. While git checkout can also switch branches and perform a variety of other operations, git switch was introduced specifically for managing your local branch at HEAD. This makes the command more intuitive and reduces the chances of errors. With git switch, you can quickly move to an existing branch without accidentally changing files or creating a new branch.

The basic syntax of the git switch command is simple:

git switch <branch-name>

In the above command, branch-name is the name of the branch you want to check out. If the branch already exists, Git will check out that branch and update the working directory. That happens to sync with the content in the repository.

You also can create a new branch and switch to that new branch in one step with git switch by adding the -c option.

git switch -c <new-branch-name>

So, let us go into the differences between ‘git switch’ and ‘git checkout’ to understand their purpose separately.

Git Switch Vs. Checkout

While both commands can be used to change branches. They are entirely different in purpose and one is inferior to the other by miles.

Branch Switching

  • git checkout <branch_name>: The git checkout command in Git can be used to switch branches, replace the working directory with a different commit, and even discard changes. Additionally, it does not only switch between branches but also reset files and creates new branches. This flexibility is a strength, but it can also be a source of confusion if you are new to Git. For example, using git checkout could inadvertently detach the HEAD or even clobber local changes.
  • git switch: git switch is a branch switching command. It also reduces the risk of doing accidental operations with a narrowed focus — for example, checking out files, or detaching HEAD. This makes it easier to switch the branches and more intuitive.

Branch Creation

  • git checkout: This command is the equivalent of git checkout -b — create and change to a new branch at the same time. On the other hand, this way of writing can be omitted easily and as a result, would make an error.
  • git switch: git switch -c does both, creates and checkouts to a new branch in one easy.

File Checkout

  • git checkout: This command is heavily bastardized because it also allows you to check out individual files from the repository, sometimes making our usage terminology quite confusing regarding branch switching.
  • git switch: It does not support file checkout as git switch is branch management only. This separation of concerns helps to reduce errors.

Detached HEAD State

  • git checkout: Checking out a commit (as opposed to checking out a branch) with git checkout can leave you in the detached HEAD state, which is something difficult for many users.
  • git switch: git switch command explicitly handles branch switching so that it ensures HEAD is always pointing to a named branch unless you manually pass --detach option.

When to Use Each Command

Git checkout when you want the flexibility to check out specific files or commits. Or for instance, if you are working within a context where some of your files need restoring into an earlier state.

In a case where you want something clear and focused to handle your branches, utilize the git switch. This, even more, comes in handy for the developers who are mostly working with branches. And need to save themselves from some of the perils of a very powerful git checkout command parametrize.

Anyway, if you are interested in learning more about ‘git checkout’ you can use this command, to list all git checkout commands:

git checkout --help

Now, let’s explore practical examples employing both of these commands.

Git Switch Examples

Let me prove this with examples so you can see the concrete use of both commands. The basic syntax for the ‘git switch’ command is:

git switch [BRANCH-NAME]

In this example, I will select another branch using git switch branch command, here is the example:

git switch design

It will display the CLI changes as shown below.

git switch branch

However, should I switch to a non-existing branch, it will prompt an error as illustrated below.

Now, I am trying to switch to a non-existing on my repository, let’s see what will happen on the following screen.

git switch branch command

If you intend to switch to another non-existing branch using this command. You need to include the ‘-c’ flag along with the command, as demonstrated below.

git switch -c [BRANCH-NAME]

The flag of -c refers to ‘–create’ which helps us to add a new branch and switch to it in the same time.

An alternative way to choose an existing branch in the stack is by checking it out with ‘git checkout’. You need to pass the command as a string and also the branch name, like so:

git checkout [BRANCH-NAME]

Let’s see an example.

git checkout developer

On the other hand, the display of errors resulting from an invalid branch name in the repository is shown below.

git checkout

However, there is a way to create the branch if it does not yet exist and switch HEAD (the current cursor) into the new branch at once. Example/git checkout -b. here is an example.

git checkout -b team

The ‘-b’ flag, indicating ‘branch,’ will create a new branch in the repository if one does not yet exist within the current repository.

When you run the above command, it will show you the below result.

Switched to a new branch 'team'

Branches in Git hold commits and references, allowing you to easily navigate backward. But what if you want to specify when a new branch is created at another commit? This is where the git checkout command comes into play. Let’s delve into it in the following section.

Switching to Another Branch at a Specific Point using Checkout

With the git checkout command, this task is easy but some additional arguments should be provided in CLI (command line interface).

Here is the syntax, to create a new branch at some point:

git checkout -B [BRANCH-NAME] [COMMIT-POINT]

With that being said, you will first need to find out the point number you want for initiating a new branch before taking another step.

You can do it using git command as follows :

git log --oneline

After running this command, it will show all references and commits as in the image below.

git log --online

In the next step, you need to choose the specific point to switch to another branch. For instance, I will use ‘564771c’ as the starting point.

git checkout -B codedtag 564771c

Running this command will create a new branch starting from the specified point, “564771c”.


What is the main purpose of the git switch command?

The advantages of git switch the classic git checkout command is that it offers a more direct and less error-prone way to change branches in Git workflows. As mentioned above, it was released to handle local branches at HEAD more effectively, reducing the risk of operators making mistakes.

How does the git switch command differ from the git checkout command?

Although both commands achieve switching branches, git checkout is more general and can do other things as well (like resetting a file, creating branches, and checking out individual files). This means that using both commands may lead to conflicts if used incorrectly. In comparison, git switch deals only with switching branches and is, therefore, safer to use and more straightforward.

What is the basic syntax of the git switch command to switch to an existing branch?

This git switch command creates a new local branch and brings the changes from another repository to the current working directory.

How can you create and switch to a new branch using the git switch command?

You can easily switch and create a new branch by using -c with the git switch command: git switch -c.

What are the key advantages of using git switch over git checkout?

git switch focuses solely on branch switching, which reduces the chances of unwanted operations. It also spares the headache of git checkout, which can lead to detaching HEAD and unintentionally changing files. git switch is a more secure and intuitive way to handle branches.

Can git switch be used to check out individual files in a repository?

No, git switch cannot be used for file checkout. Unlike git checkout, it is solely focused on branch management.

What happens if you try to switch to a non-existing branch using git switch?

If you want to create a new branch and switch to it at the same time, then instead of the -b option, use -c, like git switch -c.

How does git checkout handle the detached HEAD state compared to git switch?

git checkout might leave you in a detached HEAD state if, for example, instead of checking out a branch, you checked out a specific commit. This is a common source of confusion among users. On the other hand, git switch ensures that HEAD always points to a named branch unless you explicitly want to operate in detached mode.

When should you prefer using git checkout over git switch?

You can use git checkout if you want to check out specific files or commits, or restore a file to a previous state. For simpler and better branch management, where the focus is on maintaining clear and organized branches, the git switch command is more appropriate.

How can you create a new branch at a specific commit using git checkout?

You use the git switch command along with the -c option to either create a new branch or switch to it. This is done using git switch -c.

Let’s summarize it.

Wrapping Up

Git 2.23 introduces the “git switch” command to move immediately between branches in Git workflows. With special attention to branch operations — instead of the more general-purpose git checkout giving developers simple and safe usage.

After comparing git switch and checkout, we can now have a clear understanding of when to use them! Both commands are useful for switching between branches. git switch is unique due to having a more explicit and clear flow. Most Git users would prefer its modern syntax, e.g., git switch, for example. However, older workflows will keep git checkout alive for a while longer because it is a richer command in this regard, besides using corporeal forms of branching.

Practical examples are also given to illustrate the application of each command. The brevity and workflows — Moving forward, branch switching is a prime example of one of the core Git practices that has influenced how other software works with branches. This has made git switch it popular, as it allows for workflows where the state can stay clean without constant rebasing of changes. The git checkout --help provides information about more features of git checkout so that developers can make the most out of it.

These specific use cases, exemplified by examples, underpin the power of each command. We can see this by comparing the --help text of git switch against that of git checkout: both have a -b flag to create and check out new branches simultaneously. Additionally, exploring how to switch to another branch without losing your place is a testament to how flexible git checkout can be in situations like this.

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