Git Push

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The purpose of the Git Push command is to upload local repository changes to a remote repository. Push ᅳ pushing your committed changes to a remote server for others to access. Git Push will synchronize your work on the local machine with the shared repository.

In this guide, you’ll understand what Git Push is and how it works with your local repository and the remote one to be updated later in the process.

So, let’s get started with how to add a remote online repository to a new local repo.

Setting Up Remotes with git push

Use git remote add to link an existing local repository with a different branch point. This command connects your local work to a remote repository, allowing you to push and pull changes. Just paste your remote URL, and voila: it aligns with the closest local repository.

Connecting your repository with a remote one would look like this:

git remote add origin

In this command:

  • origin: the name of your remote repository (this is just a convention; can be other names that you want).
  • The URL tells Git where your repository is.

Once connected to the remote, you’re all set to start working.

Anyway, in the section below, you will learn how to write the syntax of the git push command. Let’s move on.

Basic Git Push Command

The git push command has the following general syntax:

git push

Run this command to push your changes, which will write them to the remote repository.

git push origin main

This command effectively pushes your local changes from the main branch to a remote origin repository.

In the above command, you provide the remote repository to which it needs to be pushed and also specify the branch (currently local). You can check the below-detailed explanation:

  • origin: the name of your remote repository. By default, Git calls this the origin when you clone a repo or add another remote.
  • main: the name of your source-control branch that you intend to push to the remote repository. Normally, the default branch is main or master.

In the following part, you will learn how to push the new changes of the local repository to a specific branch.

Pushing to Specific Branches with “Git Push”

If you’d like to push a specific branch, then execute:

git push origin branch_name

Replace branch_name with the name of the branch you wish to push. This command pushes your changes to the remote branch with the same name as the one you checked out.

Default Operation: If no branch name is entered, it will push the current working branch. So if you are on the main branch and type git push origin, it will sync the changes you’ve made on your local machine to the remote main branch.

Make sure to commit to that branch, and the next time you do a git push, everything should be fine.

Anyway, let’s move into the below section to learn how to push changes to the repository forcibly.

Force Git Push

The most common usage of the git push --force command is when you want to force-push changes into a remote repository. It is mostly used after a rebase or fixing mistakes. The git push --force command tells Git to update the remote branch with your local changes even if it will produce a conflict.

When and Why to Use:

  • Local, after rebasing on commits.
  • Fixing the commit history or error.
  • Syncing your local branch with the remote one to match exactly.

Potential Risks:

  • Writes over the changes in a remote branch, possibly deleting other people’s work.
  • If changes are lost, the site is no longer replenished — and this piece becomes irreparable.
  • Risk of disturbance to team workflows if not used carefully.

Best Practices:

  • Use it wisely, and as required.
  • Force-push code needs a new brand fashion trend and communication about what effect it had on the team.
  • git push --force-with-lease: Checks whether the remote branch has new commits to avoid overwriting changes.

That’s it, in the following paragraphs, you will learn how to push all tags or a specific tag to the remote repository. Let’s move on.

Pushing Tags

A tag in Git is used to mark specific points in your commit history, like version releases. They make finding significant commits easier. There are two ways to push tags into your remote repository: either by pushing a specific tag or all the tags.

Pushing a Specific Tag

To create a specific tag on the remote repository, use this command:

git push origin tag_name

Here is an example:

git push origin v1.0

This command pushes the tag v1.0. In the next steps, you are going to take your code from your local repository to a remote repository called origin.

Pushing All Tags

If you have many tags and would like to push all of them to the remote repository, use the following command:

git push --tags

This command pushes all tags from your local repository to the remote repository.

Important Notes:

  • You will typically use tags to mark a release or another significant point in your project.
  • Tags, because they are typically immutable once in a remote repository (depending on the hosting provider), should be carefully considered before being pushed.
  • This is very useful when you have created a number of tags and want to make sure that they are on the remote side.

Pushing All Branches using git push to Remote Repository

That command will push all your local branches to the remote repository at once.

git push --all origin

This command pushes all branches from local to remote origin. It is helpful if you have a remote with multiple branches to keep them all synced.

Push Options and Parameters

The git push command works with dozens of options and parameters that help you tailor the behavior. Below are some more advanced ones:

A) –set-upstream

It means this specific branch has an “upstream” branch, so you won’t have to remember the remote and branch name every time you push.

git push --set-upstream origin {branch_name}

Change the {branch_name} which your branch name like this git push --set-upstream origin feature-branch

Now let us see what happens when this command runs in the background. This command essentially pushes feature-branch to the origin and makes it the default remote branch for future pushes.

B) –dry-run

This will fake a push and not perform any actual actions on the remote repository. It is good to test out what would happen before pushing for real.

git push --dry-run

# here is an example
git push --dry-run origin main

This command will list what is being pushed (without pushing it).


What is the purpose of the git push command?

The Git Push command uploads the local repository changes to a remote repository, making it available for others to look at and make sure everyone’s work is in sync across different environments.

How do you configure a remote repository in Git?

You can establish a remote repository using git remote add your repository’s URL. For example: git remote add origin "" # execute from comments.

What is the basic syntax for the Git Push command?

The syntax for the Git Push command is as follows git push. This command updates the remote repository upstream with local changes.

How do you push changes to a specific branch in Git?

Use git push origin branch_name to push your changes into a particular branch where the goal is.

What does the git push –force command do?

git push --force — As the name implies, it forced your local changes to be updated on the remote branch regardless of overwriting any existing change. Usually used after a rebase or fix an error, but comes with the risk of rewriting other’s code.

When should you use the git push –force command?

When rebasing commits, fixing commit history, or syncing the local branch with the remote one to be the same (dangerous in that case!), you should use the git push --force command instead of the classic git pull origin. But it should be used carefully, as you might end up overriding changes in remote branches.

How do you push all branches to a remote repository?

With the command git push --all origin, you can send all your branches to a remote repository. This ensures all your local branches are up-to-date with the remote repository.

What does the –set-upstream option do in the Git Push command?

By using the --set-upstream option in the Git Push command, the current branch is set to track a remote branch, so you can use it only git push next time. Example: git push --set-upstream origin branch_name.

What is the purpose of the –dry-run option in the Git Push command?

With the --dry-run option, you can simulate a push without actually pushing anything to the remote repository. Great if you want to test the full push scenario. Example: git push --dry-run origin main.

Let’s summarize it.

Wrapping Up

This article is a comprehensive guide about the Git Push command, which is used to catch all updates from local repositories and mirror them on a remote repository.

It starts by introducing Git Push and its place in syncing your workstations with someone else’s: a shared repository. The guide explains how to create remote repositories, the basic Git Push command, and how to push into different branches. It also talks about force pushing, both where it is necessary and when we may want to reconsider.

The article also demonstrates how to push tags, both all and specific, along with pushing all branches into a remote repository. Finally, it explains some of the submission options and parameters like –set-upstream or –dry-run that make things more controllable and flexible for pushing.

Thank you for reading. Happy Coding!

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