Insert Document

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Inserting documents into your MongoDB collections is one of the most basic but important tasks when working with PHP. In this guide, I will take you through each step of the process so that everything is clear and easy to follow.

Inserting a Single Document

Adding a single document to your MongoDB collection is simple. Take a look at this example:

$document = [
    'name' => 'John Doe',
    'email' => '',
    'age' => 30,
    'registered_at' => new MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime() // Current timestamp

$result = $collection->insertOne($document);

echo "Inserted document with ID: " . $result->getInsertedId();
  • The insertOne method is your go-to for inserting a single document.
  • MongoDB automatically generates the _id field if you do not specify it yourself.

You can quickly add individual entries to your database while letting MongoDB handle key details like unique IDs.

let's move on to the following section to learn how to insert multiple records.

insert multiple records

When you need to add multiple documents to your MongoDB collection at once, the insertMany method makes it a breeze. Here is how it works:

$documents = [
        'name' => 'Alice Smith',
        'email' => '',
        'age' => 25,
        'name' => 'Bob Brown',
        'email' => '',
        'age' => 35,

$result = $collection->insertMany($documents);

echo "Inserted " . $result->getInsertedCount() . " documents.";
  • The insertMany method takes an array of documents, allowing you to batch-insert data efficiently.
  • Each document automatically gets a unique _id field unless you explicitly define one.

In the following section, you will learn how to validate user data before inserting it into the database.

Validating Data Before Insertion

Before inserting documents, validating your data ensures consistent and reliable database entries. You can perform checks like:

  • Required Fields: Ensure necessary fields are present.
  • Data Types: Validate types (e.g., integers, strings, or arrays).

Example validation:

$document = [
    'name' => 'Validated User',
    'email' => '',
    'age' => 'not_a_number'

if (!is_numeric($document['age'])) {
    echo "Error: 'age' must be a number.";


Let's move on to the section below, to see an example.


Consider you are building a user registration system. Here is how you can securely store user data in your MongoDB collection:

$document = [
    'username' => 'new_user',
    'password' => password_hash('securepassword', PASSWORD_DEFAULT), // Securely hash the password
    'email' => '',
    'created_at' => new MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime() // Current timestamp

try {
    echo "User registered successfully!";
} catch (MongoDB\Driver\Exception\Exception $e) {
    echo "Error: " . $e->getMessage();
  • Secure Passwords: The password_hash function ensures passwords are stored securely, following best practices.
  • Timestamps: The created_at field captures when the user was registered, using MongoDB's UTCDateTime for precision.
  • Error Handling: The try-catch block gracefully handles any database errors, ensuring your application can respond appropriately.

You can create a robust user registration system that safely stores and validates critical user data.

Let's summarize it 

Wrapping Up

Inserting documents into MongoDB using PHP is an important task for developers working with this database. So if you are adding a single document, managing bulk operations, or focusing on performance, PHP gives you the tools to handle it. 

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • How do you insert a single document in MongoDB using PHP?

    To insert a single document, use the insertOne method. For example:
    $document = [
        'name' => 'John Doe',
        'email' => ''
    $result = $collection->insertOne($document);
    echo "Inserted document with ID: " . $result->getInsertedId();
  • How can you insert multiple documents into MongoDB in PHP?

    Use the insertMany method to add multiple documents at once. For example:
    $documents = [
        ['name' => 'Alice', 'email' => ''],
        ['name' => 'Bob', 'email' => '']
    $result = $collection->insertMany($documents);
    echo "Inserted " . $result->getInsertedCount() . " documents.";
  • Can you validate data before inserting it into MongoDB?

    Yes, you can validate data by performing checks before insertion. For example:
    $document = ['age' => 'not_a_number'];
    if (!is_numeric($document['age'])) {
        echo "Error: 'age' must be a number.";
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