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PHP gives us the ability to work with MongoDB, highlighting the importance of CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations for database management.

Here are some requirements to start using MongoDB with PHP:

  1. Installing MongoDB
  2. Installing PHP MongoDB Driver
  3. Setting Up a Development Environment ( XAMPP, Docker, or direct Apache/Nginx configurations )

Let us move on to the following section to understand what CRUD means and how to use it to access a MongoDB database.

What does Mean CRUD in MongoDB?

In MongoDB, the term CRUD refers to the four primary operations used to manage data: Create, Read, Update, and Delete:

  • The Create operation allows you to insert new documents into a collection. For example, you can add user data or any other type of information to the database.
  • Read operation which used to query and retrieve data from a database. You can filter, sort, and project the data as needed.
  • Update operation which helps us to modify existing documents in a collection. You can update specific fields or replace entire documents.
  • Delete operation to remove documents from a collection. You can specify criteria to delete specific documents or remove all documents in a collection.

Let's see an example for each one.

Examples of CRUD in MongoDB and PHP


The "Create" operation is all about adding new data to your database. Here is how you can add a document:

$collection = $database->selectCollection('users');
$result = $collection->insertOne(['name' => 'John Doe', 'email' => '']);
echo "Inserted document with ID: " . $result->getInsertedId();

Before insert a new document to database, you need to select the users collection. Adding a document with the name and email fields, and the database automatically generates a unique _id for it. The getInsertedId() method then gives you that ID.


The 'Read' operation is used to retrieve data from the database. Let's see how to do it:

$collection = $database->selectCollection('users');
$result = $collection->findOne(['name' => 'John Doe']);
echo "Found User: " . $result['email'];

Here, you are asking the database to find the first document where the name is "John Doe." The findOne method brings it back as an associative array, and you can access specific fields, like email.


Updating means modifying an existing entry. Say you want to change John's email. Here is how you do it:

$collection = $database->selectCollection('users');
$updateResult = $collection->updateOne(
    ['name' => 'John Doe'],
    ['$set' => ['email' => '']]
echo "Updated " . $updateResult->getModifiedCount() . " document(s)";

This code searches for a document with the name "John Doe" and updates the email field to the new value. The getModifiedCount() method tells you how many documents were successfully updated.


The 'Delete' operation is responsible for removing data from the database. If John no longer needs to be in your collection, you can remove him like this:

$collection = $database->selectCollection('users');
$deleteResult = $collection->deleteOne(['name' => 'John Doe']);
echo "Deleted " . $deleteResult->getDeletedCount() . " document(s)";

Here, you are specifying the criteria (name: 'John Doe') for deletion, and the getDeletedCount() method confirms how many documents were removed.

Let's summarize it.

Wrapping Up

That is the essence of CRUD operations in MongoDB: Create, Read, Update, and Delete. These four operations form the basis of how you interact with your database.

Here is a quick recap:

  • Create: Add new documents to your collection using methods like insertOne() or insertMany().
  • Read: Retrieve documents from the database with methods like findOne() or find() for more complex queries.
  • Update: Modify existing documents using methods like updateOne() or updateMany() with operators like $set or $inc.
  • Delete: Remove documents from your collection using methods like deleteOne() or deleteMany().

Each operation is a critical piece of database management, giving you full control over your data. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • What is CRUD in MongoDB?

    CRUD stands for Create, Read, Update, and Delete, which are the basic operations to interact with a MongoDB database.
  • How do I use PHP to insert a document into MongoDB?

    Use the insertOne() method from the MongoDB PHP library:
    $collection = $database->selectCollection('users');
    $result = $collection->insertOne(['name' => 'John Doe', 'email' => '']);
    echo "Inserted document with ID: " . $result->getInsertedId();
  • How can I retrieve data from MongoDB using PHP?

    $collection = $database->selectCollection('users');
    $result = $collection->findOne(['name' => 'John Doe']);
    echo "Found User: " . $result['email'];
  • What is the purpose of the `$set` operator in MongoDB updates?

    The $set operator is used to update specific fields in a document without overwriting the entire document.
    $collection->updateOne(['name' => 'John Doe'], ['$set' => ['email' => '']]);
  • How can I delete a document from MongoDB in PHP?

    Use the deleteOne() method to remove a document that matches the criteria:
    $collection = $database->selectCollection('users');
    $deleteResult = $collection->deleteOne(['name' => 'John Doe']);
    echo "Deleted " . $deleteResult->getDeletedCount() . " document(s)";
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